upcoming YOGA journeys
There is great wisdom in the saying “your body is a temple”. Honouring your body is as important as honouring the earth and the sacred. They are not different, your body is a sacred vessel through which you experience this life through. One of the great mysteries to be alive is to recognise and remember that we have all the elements living within us. The landscape of the earth and sky breathes through our cells and DNA. All of this lives within each and everyone of us. This manifests in the form of consciousness flowing through us on multidimensional layers. Different embodiments of consciousness expressing itself through us, in the form of magical mixtures of energy and elements.
Yoga, at it’s core, is a practice of cleaning your temple, honing your energy and of self awareness, and self awareness begins on a physical visceral layer, that is this body, this vehicle that our soul (expression of consciousness) walks and experiences the earth through. We are only as clear as our channel is clean, this not only includes the physical body, but the emotional, energetic, mental and etheric body and beyond into the bliss body (also referred to as enlightenment in yoga). We are multidimensional beings and we are limitless and in order to realise and master ourselves we need to go through a cleaning and honing of all layers of who we are in order to realise our full potential and connect to why we have come here and what we desire to express and create consciously through this vessel.
Yoga is a deep clean and a service to your vessel and a process of journeying inward to explore, uncover and release any blocks and shine a light on any shadows that need to be alchemised and transformed into power. It’s a process of working with physical (body “earth”) pain and transforming it into bliss. Working with emotions and allowing them to flow and release through you fluidly like water. Working with prana (fire and air) and moving life force energy through your body. Unifying body and breath, which to me is a process of integrating Spirit (the breath, the ether) and soul (the feelings, senses) into the physical body. When we move, we feel ourselves, when we move with presence and conscious awareness, we move with the power of the whole universe inside. This is Energy in motion (E-motion), a process of becoming a full feeling (fulfilled) fully embodied soul in a human body of elements. We are a microcosm in a macrocosm of consciousness and oneness, we are not separate from the source we came from. The journey of yoga is a process through which you can reconnect to this source, this sense of oneness, peace and bliss that is available to all.
I remember when I first connected to the magic of the practice of yoga, when I really dedicated myself to showing up on my mat for a long unbroken period of time with a curiosity for the practice and what it could bring to me, I felt like I had been let in on a huge secret to life. It is such a beautiful experience to be alive and when we can accept the full spectrum of this experience, life becomes such a magical, mystical adventure. When we dare to unlock what might be hidden within our bodies, our magic really begins to flow. Unlocking usually comes from a space of exploration and curiosity, showing up consistently for yourself and full acceptance with no need to fix anything. Trusting and surrendering to the mysteries within your own temple.
This is why it is important to connect with our bodies, because our bodies hold all the keys to our evolution and awakening. We were born as a seed, with everything we need inside (our DNA) to grow into the person we are here to become. We have it all inside already, we just need to nourish and support this seed by treating it with the utmost care and commitment and becoming super conscious and aware of everything we are choosing for ourselves in each moment. Yoga is a wonderful tool to support this process of self nourishment. Becoming the master of your vessel, taking care of yourself as the most precious being alive. As one cell in the collective cosmos, it is your responsibility and your greatest gift to this earth to take proper care of yourself.
3-6-9 Deep Dive “Yoga” Immersion
May-August (May/June online preparation and July 30 days in person immersion in Prague followed by online support in August).
This yoga creation has been birthing through me now for so many years. This is mastery training in working with energy on every layer. It will be my life’s work coming to life essentially. The evolution of the 3-6-9 Journey, the ground work has been laid, it’s time to tap in to your deeper capacity
as a human becoming multidimensional. Bringing you on a journey of personal mastery through specific multidimensional energy mastery practices, empowered patterning through daily processes, movement practices in person work, a combination of yoga of self inquiry, Tantra practices, meditation, breathwork, cleansing practices and Spirit experiences to help you become multidimensional and develop and solidify your own connection to yourself, your full power and Spirit.
Your body is your portal that you create and experience life through. It is the gateway to access higher states of consciousness and the visceral physical body is our access point to experience the highs and lows of life through and everything in between. We are souls having a human experience and we are here to feel it all. Joy, pleasure, bliss, pain, excitement, inner peace, movement, relief, sadness etc. The more you take care of your vessel and clean and clear your channel, the sharper you become as a tool to experience and create this life through. We can’t be powerful creators if we do not take care of ourselves on every layer. Imagine trying to paint a masterpiece with a worn, uncared for brush, or trying to sculpt your life's work with a blunt tool. When we clean the veils of illusions we also learn how to be unattached to the physical and transcend many perceived pains and issues on the human 3D layer.
This to me feels like the evolution of Yoga. I want to share the wisdom that is and has been coming through me for years now, around what yoga actually is and how to allow spiritual experiences and transmissions/activations to happen through your body/channel.
This creation will all be experience based with a focus on cultivating inner knowing and wisdom in the body, instead of head level learning which is very limited.
In this experience I will transmit to you how to feel, read and adjust bodies and energy and work with people to release emotional and energetic blockages and stiffness through yoga and movement practices. You will learn specific sequences of yoga, but also how to break them and flow. We will work with both simple and challenging postures and the importance and value of training both. I will transmit to you and help you understand what the core ancient yogic practices are actually for and how to eventually transcend the need to “do” any of them so that you may be in the experience of life with spiritual experiences happening spontaneously through you.
This will be very hands on, physical, and practice based training but also very much about energetic transmissions and a passing down of wisdom through the body (this is called earning ”parampara” in yoga ). All of what we truly “know” comes through lived experience and a dedicated practice. It will be in person training and practice with me to work on transmitting the in body intuitive wisdom, and initiate you into working with the body and the energy on different levels to help people transform through a movement practice of self inquiry.
Mastery really takes dedicated time to practice. I dedicated myself to strictly yoga only for almost 10 years (3hrs a day, 6 days a week practice). I traveled the world studying under some of the best masters alive in this time and also I then let go of it all to destroy the attachment to the identity of “Claire the yogi” and began again with new eyes. I have been practicing it now at different levels for over 17 years and it continues to unfold through me in new ways to this day, showing me new levels of awareness and possibilities.
This deep dive will give you the foundations, tools, and most importantly the experience, to begin to teach and transmit this yourself to others but it will just be the start of your own personal mastery practice journey (which is the most important one) as it is a lifetime dedication to sharpening your tool, clearing your channel and honing your energy.
We will begin the work online in October to prepare for the in person Journey.
This online work will consist of:
- Opening ceremony to connect the group and speak out intentions
- One personal Video call with me in October to open to your intention and any questions/topics arising for you and to discuss the practice and Journey.
- There will be one online guided class a week and you will be given a recording of a sequence to practice and hopefully memorise before the in person work.
- Online group portal for everyone to connect and share
- Online guided meditations to get you into a regular practice and used to sitting with yourself.
After the in person Journey in December, I will leave the portal open and do a group closing session as well as an individual session with each participant to solidify and discuss your path forward and how to maintain the practice yourself and continue to develop it over time.
Who is this for?
Whether you are new to the practice of Yoga or a well practiced yoga teacher wanting to dive a layer deeper in the practice and yourself, this journey will have many fruits for you. On my journey again and again, I benefit from becoming a beginner repeatedly. This is a process of create and destroy, or death and rebirth. It is a life long dedication to unfolding truth. Your teacher training may have provided an immersion into yoga but the truth is, the deeper we dip our toe into the stream of truth, the more we realise that there’s an entire ocean of experience yet to be lived and understood through our unique lens and body.
As a teacher it is a great gift to surrender to a life-long role as a student. To potentially hold space for someone’s awakening requires a first-hand understanding of the power this sacred practice possesses. This is for any one that wants to develop a regular personal yoga practice to help balance and centre themselves physically, emotionally and energetically in the times we are living. Any one that wants to learn how to move energy through their body on every layer and become a well oiled machine to experience life through. Anyone that wants to learn how to move emotions (energy in motion) through the body and work with allowing releases through the yoga practice to help release trauma (stuck, suppressed energy in the nervous system). Anyone who wants to learn how to read and adjust other people’s bodies and energy field.
Anyone that wants to connect to being Omnipresent in all layers of who they are at once, connect to their multidimensionality and become a sharper, clearer channel for higher consciousness and creation. Anyone that wants to connect to a sense of community and belonging through the oneness and unifying elements of the practice. There is magic in embarking on a journey like this with other souls, Yoga really works on unifying people from all different backgrounds and helps us all to connect on a sacred level, where everyone and no body is more special than any other body.
Topics we will explore on this journey (this is a sample but not limited to this as the journey unfolds more topics will naturally arise):
- Daily Yoga and adjustments
- The role of vibration & Frequency & listening to inner sounds - Sound healing - chanting - oming
- Yoga as a self inquiry practice
- Satsang - Spiritual lessons on topics
- Meditate on questions/statements of truth
- The role of Ceremonies and rituals
- Intuitive movement
- Learn the value of structure and breaking structure
- Listening to the body’s feedback
- Movement with breath
- Breathwork
- Movement as a meditation
- Lecture & Practices (oming, breathwork) Spontaneous experiences - awakening and allowing experiences to happen through you
- Intentional Practice
- Spiritual bypassing - Traps of the practice
- How to derive spiritual lessons from the practice
- Working with building skills to train the body and attention
- Gratitude and compassion
- Self worth and the trap of selfless service.
- Cultivating self love through the practice
- Ego death and illusions of ego
- Sacred temple arts
- Working with and connecting to Spirit and supportive guides and energies.
- Working with cycles of nature, the moon, the female cycle.
- Fueling your practice
- Creating a practice that is life supporting not life draining.
- Prana and cultivating prana, living more pranically
- Cellular awakening
- Working in the space of the unknown
- Balancing and activating the empowered masculine and feminine qualities in the body.
- Using the practice to work with fear, pain and limits.
- Space holding
- Connecting to your higher self and inner wisdom
- Living intuitively from an empowered inner space instead of living to a set of external rules
- Power of questioning and curiosity.
- Letting go of what we think we know to create space from limitless living.
- Multidimensionality
- Omnipresence states
- The power of Yoga Nidra and Savasana - working with rest and deep states.
- Letting go of lineage and “ways’ to find yourself.
- Awareness of The illusions that are alive in the yoga world.
- Yoga as a religion and how it can be misused to suppress and control and abuse power.
- Conscious vs unconscious Spiritual Practice.
- Illuminating the path - shadow work - polishing the mirror through your practice.
- I AM THAT - the void and potential - Getting empty so we can become everything.
Join the Journey at different levels
Option 1: 1 Week intensive July 2023
*Most suited to someone that wants a week to really dive deep into practice and honing and exploring the physical body as well as time to meditate and explore energetic practices and teachings in truth. May be more suited to someone that doesn't currently have a regular practice and wants to build one.
This option includes:
- Cleansing Practices
- Meditation - different layers of meditation - feeling based - moving meditations - one pointed focus
- Yoga as a spiritual Journey - 8 aspects of yoga
- Daily Yoga and adjustments
- Sound healing
- Yoga as a self inquiry practice
- Satsang
- Meditate on questions/quotes from Te Ching
- Cacao Ceremonies
- Intuitive movement
- Chanting / Oming
- Learn the value of structure and breaking structure
- Listening to the body’s feedback
- Movement with breath
- Breathwork
- Lecture & Practices (oming, breathwork) Spontaneous experiences - awakening and allowing experiences to happen through you
Option 2: 2 Week Intensive July 2023
*Most suited to someone that wishes to dive deeper into how to listen to the energy and emotions flowing through your own and others bodies. Also looking to deepen their physical practice and train some more advanced skills and explore deeper powers of the breath and meditation.
This option includes all of Option 1 plus:
- Hand balance and inversions workshop
- Trauma release through adjustments
- Lessons in adjusting bodies
- How to read bodies and sense what they need
- Working with touch intuitively
- Presence practice
- Breathwork session with Claire & Robert
Option 3: 30 Day Energy Mastery & Multidimensionality July 2023
*Most suited to someone that is looking for the next level in energy mastery. This is a super deep dive of unconventional and intentional time to connect to and hone your energy and channel on multidimensional layers.
I feel this will be a small group as it is a big commitment, so there will be a lot of one to one time and attention with me. I will really use this time to share the deeper learnings and wisdom of energy mastery practices and the ”new” that has been birthing through.
This is a chance to live, eat, sleep, breath a spiritual practice and it will change your life if you open to the benefits of this intentional time in a held space with me and more importantly with yourself.
This option Includes all of Option 1 & 2 plus:
- Adjustment practice, receiving & reading and practicing.
- Tantra - working with upward and downward flows of energy and cosmic energy.
- Sexual energy and honing it through yoga
- Breaking sexual shame
- Group Channeling sessions
- Intuitive movement - learning how to practice intuitively
- Extended Meditation practice - stilling the energy
- Touch - Massage
- Moving energy internally and externally
- Activations - working with guide energies - Tesla (electric wizard), goddesses embodiments etc
- Voice activations - power of mantra
- Sensory deprivation - Sight - Silence - stillness - Fasting
- Shamanic and channeling workshop
- Working with wider dimensions
- Omnipresence meditations
- Reading the field
- Subtle energy honing
- Balancing masculine and feminine energy in the body
- Working with surrender and non-doing to allow experiences to happen spontaneously through the body.
- Workshop and practice on Working with plant medicine - micro dosing for yoga and massage
limited and again preference will be given to those who are choosing Option 1, 2 or 3 Journey with me.
I am looking forward to seeing those who want to dive deep with me in person. I have a lot of energy built for this creation and it lights me up to finally be bringing it in to form.
Yoga, at it’s core, is a practice of cleaning your temple, honing your energy and of self awareness, and self awareness begins on a physical visceral layer, that is this body, this vehicle that our soul (expression of consciousness) walks and experiences the earth through. We are only as clear as our channel is clean, this not only includes the physical body, but the emotional, energetic, mental and etheric body and beyond into the bliss body (also referred to as enlightenment in yoga). We are multidimensional beings and we are limitless and in order to realise and master ourselves we need to go through a cleaning and honing of all layers of who we are in order to realise our full potential and connect to why we have come here and what we desire to express and create consciously through this vessel.
Yoga is a deep clean and a service to your vessel and a process of journeying inward to explore, uncover and release any blocks and shine a light on any shadows that need to be alchemised and transformed into power. It’s a process of working with physical (body “earth”) pain and transforming it into bliss. Working with emotions and allowing them to flow and release through you fluidly like water. Working with prana (fire and air) and moving life force energy through your body. Unifying body and breath, which to me is a process of integrating Spirit (the breath, the ether) and soul (the feelings, senses) into the physical body. When we move, we feel ourselves, when we move with presence and conscious awareness, we move with the power of the whole universe inside. This is Energy in motion (E-motion), a process of becoming a full feeling (fulfilled) fully embodied soul in a human body of elements. We are a microcosm in a macrocosm of consciousness and oneness, we are not separate from the source we came from. The journey of yoga is a process through which you can reconnect to this source, this sense of oneness, peace and bliss that is available to all.
I remember when I first connected to the magic of the practice of yoga, when I really dedicated myself to showing up on my mat for a long unbroken period of time with a curiosity for the practice and what it could bring to me, I felt like I had been let in on a huge secret to life. It is such a beautiful experience to be alive and when we can accept the full spectrum of this experience, life becomes such a magical, mystical adventure. When we dare to unlock what might be hidden within our bodies, our magic really begins to flow. Unlocking usually comes from a space of exploration and curiosity, showing up consistently for yourself and full acceptance with no need to fix anything. Trusting and surrendering to the mysteries within your own temple.
This is why it is important to connect with our bodies, because our bodies hold all the keys to our evolution and awakening. We were born as a seed, with everything we need inside (our DNA) to grow into the person we are here to become. We have it all inside already, we just need to nourish and support this seed by treating it with the utmost care and commitment and becoming super conscious and aware of everything we are choosing for ourselves in each moment. Yoga is a wonderful tool to support this process of self nourishment. Becoming the master of your vessel, taking care of yourself as the most precious being alive. As one cell in the collective cosmos, it is your responsibility and your greatest gift to this earth to take proper care of yourself.
3-6-9 Deep Dive “Yoga” Immersion
May-August (May/June online preparation and July 30 days in person immersion in Prague followed by online support in August).
This yoga creation has been birthing through me now for so many years. This is mastery training in working with energy on every layer. It will be my life’s work coming to life essentially. The evolution of the 3-6-9 Journey, the ground work has been laid, it’s time to tap in to your deeper capacity
as a human becoming multidimensional. Bringing you on a journey of personal mastery through specific multidimensional energy mastery practices, empowered patterning through daily processes, movement practices in person work, a combination of yoga of self inquiry, Tantra practices, meditation, breathwork, cleansing practices and Spirit experiences to help you become multidimensional and develop and solidify your own connection to yourself, your full power and Spirit.
Your body is your portal that you create and experience life through. It is the gateway to access higher states of consciousness and the visceral physical body is our access point to experience the highs and lows of life through and everything in between. We are souls having a human experience and we are here to feel it all. Joy, pleasure, bliss, pain, excitement, inner peace, movement, relief, sadness etc. The more you take care of your vessel and clean and clear your channel, the sharper you become as a tool to experience and create this life through. We can’t be powerful creators if we do not take care of ourselves on every layer. Imagine trying to paint a masterpiece with a worn, uncared for brush, or trying to sculpt your life's work with a blunt tool. When we clean the veils of illusions we also learn how to be unattached to the physical and transcend many perceived pains and issues on the human 3D layer.
This to me feels like the evolution of Yoga. I want to share the wisdom that is and has been coming through me for years now, around what yoga actually is and how to allow spiritual experiences and transmissions/activations to happen through your body/channel.
This creation will all be experience based with a focus on cultivating inner knowing and wisdom in the body, instead of head level learning which is very limited.
In this experience I will transmit to you how to feel, read and adjust bodies and energy and work with people to release emotional and energetic blockages and stiffness through yoga and movement practices. You will learn specific sequences of yoga, but also how to break them and flow. We will work with both simple and challenging postures and the importance and value of training both. I will transmit to you and help you understand what the core ancient yogic practices are actually for and how to eventually transcend the need to “do” any of them so that you may be in the experience of life with spiritual experiences happening spontaneously through you.
This will be very hands on, physical, and practice based training but also very much about energetic transmissions and a passing down of wisdom through the body (this is called earning ”parampara” in yoga ). All of what we truly “know” comes through lived experience and a dedicated practice. It will be in person training and practice with me to work on transmitting the in body intuitive wisdom, and initiate you into working with the body and the energy on different levels to help people transform through a movement practice of self inquiry.
Mastery really takes dedicated time to practice. I dedicated myself to strictly yoga only for almost 10 years (3hrs a day, 6 days a week practice). I traveled the world studying under some of the best masters alive in this time and also I then let go of it all to destroy the attachment to the identity of “Claire the yogi” and began again with new eyes. I have been practicing it now at different levels for over 17 years and it continues to unfold through me in new ways to this day, showing me new levels of awareness and possibilities.
This deep dive will give you the foundations, tools, and most importantly the experience, to begin to teach and transmit this yourself to others but it will just be the start of your own personal mastery practice journey (which is the most important one) as it is a lifetime dedication to sharpening your tool, clearing your channel and honing your energy.
We will begin the work online in October to prepare for the in person Journey.
This online work will consist of:
- Opening ceremony to connect the group and speak out intentions
- One personal Video call with me in October to open to your intention and any questions/topics arising for you and to discuss the practice and Journey.
- There will be one online guided class a week and you will be given a recording of a sequence to practice and hopefully memorise before the in person work.
- Online group portal for everyone to connect and share
- Online guided meditations to get you into a regular practice and used to sitting with yourself.
After the in person Journey in December, I will leave the portal open and do a group closing session as well as an individual session with each participant to solidify and discuss your path forward and how to maintain the practice yourself and continue to develop it over time.
Who is this for?
Whether you are new to the practice of Yoga or a well practiced yoga teacher wanting to dive a layer deeper in the practice and yourself, this journey will have many fruits for you. On my journey again and again, I benefit from becoming a beginner repeatedly. This is a process of create and destroy, or death and rebirth. It is a life long dedication to unfolding truth. Your teacher training may have provided an immersion into yoga but the truth is, the deeper we dip our toe into the stream of truth, the more we realise that there’s an entire ocean of experience yet to be lived and understood through our unique lens and body.
As a teacher it is a great gift to surrender to a life-long role as a student. To potentially hold space for someone’s awakening requires a first-hand understanding of the power this sacred practice possesses. This is for any one that wants to develop a regular personal yoga practice to help balance and centre themselves physically, emotionally and energetically in the times we are living. Any one that wants to learn how to move energy through their body on every layer and become a well oiled machine to experience life through. Anyone that wants to learn how to move emotions (energy in motion) through the body and work with allowing releases through the yoga practice to help release trauma (stuck, suppressed energy in the nervous system). Anyone who wants to learn how to read and adjust other people’s bodies and energy field.
Anyone that wants to connect to being Omnipresent in all layers of who they are at once, connect to their multidimensionality and become a sharper, clearer channel for higher consciousness and creation. Anyone that wants to connect to a sense of community and belonging through the oneness and unifying elements of the practice. There is magic in embarking on a journey like this with other souls, Yoga really works on unifying people from all different backgrounds and helps us all to connect on a sacred level, where everyone and no body is more special than any other body.
Topics we will explore on this journey (this is a sample but not limited to this as the journey unfolds more topics will naturally arise):
- Daily Yoga and adjustments
- The role of vibration & Frequency & listening to inner sounds - Sound healing - chanting - oming
- Yoga as a self inquiry practice
- Satsang - Spiritual lessons on topics
- Meditate on questions/statements of truth
- The role of Ceremonies and rituals
- Intuitive movement
- Learn the value of structure and breaking structure
- Listening to the body’s feedback
- Movement with breath
- Breathwork
- Movement as a meditation
- Lecture & Practices (oming, breathwork) Spontaneous experiences - awakening and allowing experiences to happen through you
- Intentional Practice
- Spiritual bypassing - Traps of the practice
- How to derive spiritual lessons from the practice
- Working with building skills to train the body and attention
- Gratitude and compassion
- Self worth and the trap of selfless service.
- Cultivating self love through the practice
- Ego death and illusions of ego
- Sacred temple arts
- Working with and connecting to Spirit and supportive guides and energies.
- Working with cycles of nature, the moon, the female cycle.
- Fueling your practice
- Creating a practice that is life supporting not life draining.
- Prana and cultivating prana, living more pranically
- Cellular awakening
- Working in the space of the unknown
- Balancing and activating the empowered masculine and feminine qualities in the body.
- Using the practice to work with fear, pain and limits.
- Space holding
- Connecting to your higher self and inner wisdom
- Living intuitively from an empowered inner space instead of living to a set of external rules
- Power of questioning and curiosity.
- Letting go of what we think we know to create space from limitless living.
- Multidimensionality
- Omnipresence states
- The power of Yoga Nidra and Savasana - working with rest and deep states.
- Letting go of lineage and “ways’ to find yourself.
- Awareness of The illusions that are alive in the yoga world.
- Yoga as a religion and how it can be misused to suppress and control and abuse power.
- Conscious vs unconscious Spiritual Practice.
- Illuminating the path - shadow work - polishing the mirror through your practice.
- I AM THAT - the void and potential - Getting empty so we can become everything.
Join the Journey at different levels
Option 1: 1 Week intensive July 2023
*Most suited to someone that wants a week to really dive deep into practice and honing and exploring the physical body as well as time to meditate and explore energetic practices and teachings in truth. May be more suited to someone that doesn't currently have a regular practice and wants to build one.
This option includes:
- Cleansing Practices
- Meditation - different layers of meditation - feeling based - moving meditations - one pointed focus
- Yoga as a spiritual Journey - 8 aspects of yoga
- Daily Yoga and adjustments
- Sound healing
- Yoga as a self inquiry practice
- Satsang
- Meditate on questions/quotes from Te Ching
- Cacao Ceremonies
- Intuitive movement
- Chanting / Oming
- Learn the value of structure and breaking structure
- Listening to the body’s feedback
- Movement with breath
- Breathwork
- Lecture & Practices (oming, breathwork) Spontaneous experiences - awakening and allowing experiences to happen through you
Option 2: 2 Week Intensive July 2023
*Most suited to someone that wishes to dive deeper into how to listen to the energy and emotions flowing through your own and others bodies. Also looking to deepen their physical practice and train some more advanced skills and explore deeper powers of the breath and meditation.
This option includes all of Option 1 plus:
- Hand balance and inversions workshop
- Trauma release through adjustments
- Lessons in adjusting bodies
- How to read bodies and sense what they need
- Working with touch intuitively
- Presence practice
- Breathwork session with Claire & Robert
Option 3: 30 Day Energy Mastery & Multidimensionality July 2023
*Most suited to someone that is looking for the next level in energy mastery. This is a super deep dive of unconventional and intentional time to connect to and hone your energy and channel on multidimensional layers.
I feel this will be a small group as it is a big commitment, so there will be a lot of one to one time and attention with me. I will really use this time to share the deeper learnings and wisdom of energy mastery practices and the ”new” that has been birthing through.
This is a chance to live, eat, sleep, breath a spiritual practice and it will change your life if you open to the benefits of this intentional time in a held space with me and more importantly with yourself.
This option Includes all of Option 1 & 2 plus:
- Adjustment practice, receiving & reading and practicing.
- Tantra - working with upward and downward flows of energy and cosmic energy.
- Sexual energy and honing it through yoga
- Breaking sexual shame
- Group Channeling sessions
- Intuitive movement - learning how to practice intuitively
- Extended Meditation practice - stilling the energy
- Touch - Massage
- Moving energy internally and externally
- Activations - working with guide energies - Tesla (electric wizard), goddesses embodiments etc
- Voice activations - power of mantra
- Sensory deprivation - Sight - Silence - stillness - Fasting
- Shamanic and channeling workshop
- Working with wider dimensions
- Omnipresence meditations
- Reading the field
- Subtle energy honing
- Balancing masculine and feminine energy in the body
- Working with surrender and non-doing to allow experiences to happen spontaneously through the body.
- Workshop and practice on Working with plant medicine - micro dosing for yoga and massage
limited and again preference will be given to those who are choosing Option 1, 2 or 3 Journey with me.
I am looking forward to seeing those who want to dive deep with me in person. I have a lot of energy built for this creation and it lights me up to finally be bringing it in to form.
2 MONTH ONLINE 1-2 WEEKs IN PERSON YOGA JOURNEYOne Week in person Deep Dive Yoga Immersion. With Two Month Online preparation practice and coaching.
Beginning in June 2023, a 3 Month journey to cultivate a deep personal yoga practice. Beginning online preparation In May 2023 and July 1-2 WEEK in person immersion in Prague and Integration support after). This is yoga mastery training in working with energy on every layer. It will be my life’s work coming to life essentially. Bringing you on a journey of personal mastery through specific multidimensional energy mastery practices, empowered patterning through daily processes, movement practices in person work, a combination of yoga of self inquiry, Tantra practices, meditation, breathwork, cleansing practices and Spirit experiences to help you become multidimensional and develop and solidify your own connection to yourself, your full power and Spirit. This to me feels like the evolution of Yoga. I want to share the wisdom that is and has been coming through me for years now, around what yoga actually is and how to allow spiritual experiences and transmissions/activations to happen through your body/channel. This creation will all be experience based with a focus on cultivating inner knowing and wisdom in the body, instead of head level learning which is very limited. In this experience I will transmit to you how to feel, read and adjust bodies and energy and work with people to release emotional and energetic blockages and stiffness through yoga and movement practices. You will learn specific sequences of yoga, but also how to break them and flow. We will work with both simple and challenging postures and the importance and value of training both. I will transmit to you and help you understand what the core ancient yogic practices are actually for and how to eventually transcend the need to “do” any of them so that you may be in the experience of life with spiritual experiences happening spontaneously through you. This will be very hands on, physical, and practice based training but also very much about energetic transmissions and a passing down of wisdom through the body (this is called earning ”parampara” in yoga ). All of what we truly “know” comes through lived experience and a dedicated practice. It will be in person training and practice with me to work on transmitting the in body intuitive wisdom, and initiate you into working with the body and the energy on different levels to help people transform through a movement practice of self inquiry. Mastery really takes dedicated time to practice. I dedicated myself to strictly yoga only for almost 10 years (3hrs a day, 6 days a week practice). I traveled the world studying under some of the best masters alive in this time and also I then let go of it all to destroy the attachment to the identity of “Claire the yogi” and began again with new eyes. I have been practicing it now at different levels for over 17 years and it continues to unfold through me in new ways to this day, showing me new levels of awareness and possibilities. This deep dive will give you the foundations, tools, and most importantly the experience, to deepen your connection to your body, your yoga practice and your energy. It is designed to be an intense week and will just be the start of your own personal mastery practice journey (which is the most important one) as it is a lifetime dedication to sharpening your tool, clearing your channel and honing your energy. I will announce all the details of this soon, there will only be 8 spaces available and as part of the 3-6-9 it’s being offered to you first before I make it public. *When emailing, please specify what. journey you are interested in.
3-6-9 Multidimensional Being - Energy Mastery “Yoga” Journey Beginning in May, a 3 month journey to learn how to master your energy on every level. Beginning online preparation In May 2023 and 30 days in person immersion in Prague in July and integration support after). This is mastery training in working with energy on every layer. It will be my life’s work coming to life essentially. The evolution of the 3-6-9 Journey, the ground work has been laid, it’s time to tap in to your deeper capacity as a human becoming multidimensional. Bringing you on a journey of personal mastery through specific multidimensional energy mastery practices, empowered patterning through daily processes, movement practices in person work, a combination of yoga of self inquiry, ancient Temple arts, Mystery and Tantra practices, meditation, breathwork, cleansing practices and Spirit experiences to help you become multidimensional and develop and solidify your own connection to yourself, your full power and Spirit. This to me feels like the evolution of Yoga. I want to share the wisdom that is and has been coming through me for years now, around what yoga actually is and how to allow spiritual experiences and transmissions/activations to happen through your body/channel. This creation will all be experience based with a focus on cultivating inner knowing and wisdom in the body, instead of head level learning which is very limited. In this experience I will transmit to you how to feel, read and adjust bodies and energy and work with people to release emotional and energetic blockages and stiffness through yoga and movement practices. You will learn specific sequences of yoga, but also how to break them and flow. We will work with both simple and challenging postures and the importance and value of training both. I will transmit to you and help you understand what the core ancient yogic practices are actually for and how to eventually transcend the need to “do” any of them so that you may be in the experience of life with spiritual experiences happening spontaneously through you. This will be very hands on, physical, and practice based training but also very much about energetic transmissions and a passing down of wisdom through the body (this is called earning ”parampara” in yoga ). All of what we truly “know” comes through lived experience and a dedicated practice. It will be in person training and practice with me to work on transmitting the in body intuitive wisdom, and initiate you into working with the body and the energy on different levels to help people transform through a movement practice of self inquiry. Mastery really takes dedicated time to practice. I dedicated myself to strictly yoga only for almost 10 years (3hrs a day, 6 days a week practice). I traveled the world studying under some of the best masters alive in this time and also I then let go of it all to destroy the attachment to the identity of “Claire the yogi” and began again with new eyes. I have been practicing it now at different levels for over 17 years and it continues to unfold through me in new ways to this day, showing me new levels of awareness and possibilities. This deep dive will give you the foundations, tools, and most importantly the experience, to begin to teach and transmit this yourself to others but it will just be the start of your own personal mastery practice journey (which is the most important one) as it is a lifetime dedication to sharpening your tool, clearing your channel and honing your energy. I will announce all the details of this soon, there will only be 8 spaces available and if you are part of the 3-6-9 Conscious Creator Journey you will be given preference and discount. You also get 10% discount if you are an active member of any of my portals. *When emailing, please specify what. journey you are interested in.