For those that feel the calling back home to their soul and sacred work in this life. If you have made it to this point, there is likely some feeling of curiosity or intuition that has led you here. Pay attention to that. It is the most important thing to listen to when embarking on a journey like this. Scroll to the testimonials below to get a feeling from some of the past participants.
Magical Macro Journey As this is a journey of discovering Consciousness, there will be an option to work with the Sacred plant teachers Magic Mushrooms in person with me. Mushrooms are teachers in consciousness and they really work with you to show you who you really are on a more profound level. They open your consciousness up to wider dimensions of reality and give you a window into yourself on deeper layers. This goes alongside the Conscious creator journey beautifully. What I have noticed in my many years of being initiated into this sacred medicine and holding space for others, is that the commitment to your path is deeply rewarded by the mushrooms. This is not about blasting your consciousness wide open in a once off experience and then sending you home to figure it out yourself, it is a deeply held, safe and sacred way of working with the medicine. And sacred takes time. It can be very destabilising to work with any plant teacher in a surface level or upheld way and in my experience, the lead up and the integration of the journey is more important than the actually medicine journey itself. The magic of the mushrooms is that they just help you see it from a wider layer of yourself without the small protective personality (the ego) in the way.
In the lead up to the journey I work on any fears or potential things that can get in the way of allowing a profound experience for you. I also help you understand the power of clear intention in life as well as with the medicine. It is a journey of surrender and trust, two of the hardest things to connect to as a human in this world in this time. We don’t get any control or say in directing our experience with the medicine but we can prepare your consciousness so that you really get what you open to and what’s available for you. I will share a specific series of calls about the purpose and intention of working with the Mushrooms and help you understand the importance of intention and the power of what you call in and help you understand “how to” journey and how to get the most from the experience and how the mushrooms will work with you in a very unique way. The integration afterwards is all about supporting you in coming back to the new version of yourself and integrating what you have experienced into your life and unpacking the meaning of the journey for you and how to move forward from this point. I see these macro medicine journeys as a way to expand your consciousness and close the gap from the small you to the highest expression of you as a Soul..
This is a journey of remembering who you really are, connecting to the blueprint of your soul's mission, nurturing and activating the unique codes that you came here to birth into this world and learning how to be a fully on, fully alive and free, embodied human.
This is a journey to a place where all questions are answered...
Magical Macro Journey As this is a journey of discovering Consciousness, there will be an option to work with the Sacred plant teachers Magic Mushrooms in person with me. Mushrooms are teachers in consciousness and they really work with you to show you who you really are on a more profound level. They open your consciousness up to wider dimensions of reality and give you a window into yourself on deeper layers. This goes alongside the Conscious creator journey beautifully. What I have noticed in my many years of being initiated into this sacred medicine and holding space for others, is that the commitment to your path is deeply rewarded by the mushrooms. This is not about blasting your consciousness wide open in a once off experience and then sending you home to figure it out yourself, it is a deeply held, safe and sacred way of working with the medicine. And sacred takes time. It can be very destabilising to work with any plant teacher in a surface level or upheld way and in my experience, the lead up and the integration of the journey is more important than the actually medicine journey itself. The magic of the mushrooms is that they just help you see it from a wider layer of yourself without the small protective personality (the ego) in the way.
In the lead up to the journey I work on any fears or potential things that can get in the way of allowing a profound experience for you. I also help you understand the power of clear intention in life as well as with the medicine. It is a journey of surrender and trust, two of the hardest things to connect to as a human in this world in this time. We don’t get any control or say in directing our experience with the medicine but we can prepare your consciousness so that you really get what you open to and what’s available for you. I will share a specific series of calls about the purpose and intention of working with the Mushrooms and help you understand the importance of intention and the power of what you call in and help you understand “how to” journey and how to get the most from the experience and how the mushrooms will work with you in a very unique way. The integration afterwards is all about supporting you in coming back to the new version of yourself and integrating what you have experienced into your life and unpacking the meaning of the journey for you and how to move forward from this point. I see these macro medicine journeys as a way to expand your consciousness and close the gap from the small you to the highest expression of you as a Soul..
This is a journey of remembering who you really are, connecting to the blueprint of your soul's mission, nurturing and activating the unique codes that you came here to birth into this world and learning how to be a fully on, fully alive and free, embodied human.
This is a journey to a place where all questions are answered...
some of the BENEFITS you may experience on THIS JOURNEY
There is no fast track to en-light-enment, there is nowhere to get, there is only more and more of the true you to discover and unveil. You cannot cut corners when it comes to awakening your power and remembering who you really are. This is why I hold longer journey’s, this is not a space for spiritual sampling or surfing. It is a deeply held sacred experience between souls. I hold this space with deep reverence for the depth of the experience we all embark on together. I am a point of clarity for you to view yourself through, a mirror to reflect what I see and share my wisdom that can inspire you to connect to your own inner wisdom that was always there.
We live in a world that has encouraged us to disconnect from our uniqueness and true power, I came here to help people remember the source that they came from and why they decided to come here in this time.
This journey will not be easy, but it will be worth the effort. The more you put in the more you get out, the more you show up for yourself the more magical and aligned your life will become.
This journey is a portal loaded with channelled downloads, energy updates and activations, transmissions of truth, tools, supportive practices, live videos, events and meditations to help you unplug from illusions and re-connect to source and train your inner space. You will be supported in consciously creating your life, connecting to your purpose and focusing your attention and energy on your highest alignment so you can connect to and bring your creation in to form in this 3D reality. Making your souls dream and your dream life become a reality and from a super conscious space. This will involve both one to one mentoring and group work (which has it’s own field of consciousness and magic in itself).
Who is this for?
This is a fully held, supportive journey for light workers. Light worker is any one that is connected to serving something higher than themselves in this life, someone with an inbuilt knowing that they came here for a reason and with something important to express. We are all essentially light workers, we are all just in different phases of remembrance of this. We are all one and all in this together and that we came here in this time to bring more light down into this field of existence to help humanity evolve into more enlightened beings. It will take you into your deepest inner space to discover what's stopping you from showing up and shining fully as the light you were born to be.
A journey to re-calibrate to the miracle, consciously create yourself, your life, your relationships and from that space connect to your soul's path and your purpose.
This journey not only helps you develop a deep connection to your soul, it also helps you on your journey as a human in a more tangible way to value your gifts and be in this world in your power, confident in who you are, abundant on all levels and solidly feeling safe in your own hands to embody and be who you really came here to be.
Light workers usually struggle in some way to be embodied here fully. This can show in your life as perceived physical, emotional and psychological issues. We are in a world that feels very different to where our Soul comes from and the more you allow your full self to feel safe and be embodied on the earth fully, the more you will feel good and be able to enjoy life here.
Are you ready to bring your light fully down into this world in a beautiful and held way?
My question is are you ready to let go of all that was and journey with me into the Divine flow of all creation?
And your only question to ask yourself is do you feel the calling deep inside of you to walk this path of your soul? This is not a small journey to undertake. Trust your feelings, they know the way to your highest.
Much love,
Crystal Claire
We live in a world that has encouraged us to disconnect from our uniqueness and true power, I came here to help people remember the source that they came from and why they decided to come here in this time.
This journey will not be easy, but it will be worth the effort. The more you put in the more you get out, the more you show up for yourself the more magical and aligned your life will become.
This journey is a portal loaded with channelled downloads, energy updates and activations, transmissions of truth, tools, supportive practices, live videos, events and meditations to help you unplug from illusions and re-connect to source and train your inner space. You will be supported in consciously creating your life, connecting to your purpose and focusing your attention and energy on your highest alignment so you can connect to and bring your creation in to form in this 3D reality. Making your souls dream and your dream life become a reality and from a super conscious space. This will involve both one to one mentoring and group work (which has it’s own field of consciousness and magic in itself).
Who is this for?
This is a fully held, supportive journey for light workers. Light worker is any one that is connected to serving something higher than themselves in this life, someone with an inbuilt knowing that they came here for a reason and with something important to express. We are all essentially light workers, we are all just in different phases of remembrance of this. We are all one and all in this together and that we came here in this time to bring more light down into this field of existence to help humanity evolve into more enlightened beings. It will take you into your deepest inner space to discover what's stopping you from showing up and shining fully as the light you were born to be.
A journey to re-calibrate to the miracle, consciously create yourself, your life, your relationships and from that space connect to your soul's path and your purpose.
This journey not only helps you develop a deep connection to your soul, it also helps you on your journey as a human in a more tangible way to value your gifts and be in this world in your power, confident in who you are, abundant on all levels and solidly feeling safe in your own hands to embody and be who you really came here to be.
Light workers usually struggle in some way to be embodied here fully. This can show in your life as perceived physical, emotional and psychological issues. We are in a world that feels very different to where our Soul comes from and the more you allow your full self to feel safe and be embodied on the earth fully, the more you will feel good and be able to enjoy life here.
Are you ready to bring your light fully down into this world in a beautiful and held way?
My question is are you ready to let go of all that was and journey with me into the Divine flow of all creation?
And your only question to ask yourself is do you feel the calling deep inside of you to walk this path of your soul? This is not a small journey to undertake. Trust your feelings, they know the way to your highest.
Much love,
Crystal Claire
Crystal Claire, Energy intuitive, channelled visionary, Soul re-birther and Multidimensional Conscious Creator.
I take people on deep journeys of self inquiry to explore their inner most space and discover who they truly are. I then support them to bring this to the world in a tangible way and to live their most fulfilling life possible. I hold a point for people to unplug themselves from all that is not the true self and to recalibrate back to their original source so that they can feel who they truly are and live in alignment with their highest expression in this life. What I am currently living is my own soul's blueprint that has birthed in my own deep dive into myself and the tapestry of my life, this is who “I am” now. I have discovered over the years of my evolution that I am a master in letting go of identities to re-discover myself new each time. And in hindsight, all of the previous creations of "me" make perfect sense, they were all pieces of the puzzle of who I was becoming. I help you find the clues of the mystery of your own life, what you have lived and what you came here to overcome. Connecting you to the paradoxes of who you are and the experiences you have in your own soul's blueprint to help you remember why you came here and what you are here to transform. I am an ex creative director, I studied art and graphic design and psychology in college. I am an ex IFBB Pro Athlete, Crossfit Champion, breakdancer and Gymnastic and coach. I studied Breathwork, meditation, countless healing modalities and energy work, and I have travelled all over the world to study, teach and practice all types of yoga, handstand and movement practices with some of the best masters of our time. My most recent lines of study over the last 10 years have been in ancient shamanic practices, tantra, family constellations, mystery, magic, consciousness and sacred plant medicine teachers and to this day I continue to discover and explore more about the endless mystery that is life and consciousness. I am also none of these things. These past versions of me, live inside me as integrated part now, that I have transformed many times over to be able to realise why I had to live them all. I don’t put much value on gathering certificates or qualifications any more as I have learned that only life and true deep self enquiry can qualify you to do what I “do” now and that we are all just in different phases of remembering who we truly are. My journey since letting go of all the seeking outside of myself and going inward to remember, has been a big process of unlearning everything and clearing out all that is not the true “Me”. You will meet “WHO I AM” online in our sessions and you can feel for yourself “Me” from the present moment. Everything is experienced all at once and all of who I am is present in my transmission in the now moment. |
Walking the walk
I am here for evolution and to transmit through the unfoldment and reveal of the new in the unknown. This journey never ends, it is a continuous spiral of creation, inwards and outwards. There is no where to get and no where to be. I am walking this path myself and I am here right now to birth a new consciousness into the world. I have been in the school of conscious and by proximity, unconscious creation my whole life. I had to experience one to fully understand the other and now to walk the path down the middle with a full conscious connection to the impact of every single step I take. Unconscious creation exists in all of us and it is mostly born from some avoidance of pain and feelings of inadequacy. We go to the world of illusions and identity to fill our self love and self worth through. This is never fulfilling. And eventually life will catch up with you and humble you back down to the earth, for you to feel what you are missing and avoiding. I have fully committed myself to my soul's journey and am learning how to keep my human self happy in the mix. Yes we need both fully connected to be fully here and feel fully alive. Whether you are more comfortable in your connection to your soul or to your human life, this journey will help you understand the importance of balancing these two opposites. I want to share my commitment to always continue to take leaps of trust into the unknown and the unknowable to pave the way for others in birthing this new consciousness into the world. The journey never stops, it only gets deeper and wider and fuller. Why did I come here? I came here to purify myself from all distortions and programs that are not true. To harmonize back to source, to master my reality and to become a crystal clear channel for others so that they may form a connection to their highest path and remembrance of the perfection that they already are. I am here to embody presence so that you may learn by transmission what it means to live and embody the miracle state. I hold a point of consciousness for you to recalibrate back to your original source code. I came here for this. My whole life's work has been an intense journey of discovering and uncovering what it takes to become a fully conscious, deeply connected creator in this world. What that looks like and how it can take form. Whatever you want to change about your life, this journey will show you how to unlock the power within you to make it happen, using awareness as a catalyst for change. |
Claire is the first and only female Irish IFBB Professional Fitness athlete. Obsessed with all things health and fitness, she lived and and studied in india, Miami and London to become a qualified yoga and meditation master.
She is Crossfit L1 certified and a Crossfit gymnastics coach.
Learning from many masters of different movement and training disciplines such as Ido portal, Dimitri Klokov, kino yoga, and more recently Mark Whitwell and Carlos Tao, to dance, calisthenics and many famous bodybuilding professionals. She has a deep understanding of training on many levels of reality. Mind, body and energy crafting, honing and balancing, muscle and strength building, gymnastics skills, the importance of mobility, rest and recovery, mental preparation for intentional skill work and crafting the multilayers of your whole being.
A lifetime dedicated to studying all sorts of training, nutrition and wellness has allowed her to cultivate movement and breathing skills and knowledge that transfer over to all the skills needed to be anything from a competitive athlete to an optimally functioning human in any field. She is now a well known spiritual mentor, professional athlete, coach, speaker and movement expert and continues to explore the possibilities and benefits of a mixture of old and new training methods combined with the most cutting edge diet and health discoveries.
She is Crossfit L1 certified and a Crossfit gymnastics coach.
Learning from many masters of different movement and training disciplines such as Ido portal, Dimitri Klokov, kino yoga, and more recently Mark Whitwell and Carlos Tao, to dance, calisthenics and many famous bodybuilding professionals. She has a deep understanding of training on many levels of reality. Mind, body and energy crafting, honing and balancing, muscle and strength building, gymnastics skills, the importance of mobility, rest and recovery, mental preparation for intentional skill work and crafting the multilayers of your whole being.
A lifetime dedicated to studying all sorts of training, nutrition and wellness has allowed her to cultivate movement and breathing skills and knowledge that transfer over to all the skills needed to be anything from a competitive athlete to an optimally functioning human in any field. She is now a well known spiritual mentor, professional athlete, coach, speaker and movement expert and continues to explore the possibilities and benefits of a mixture of old and new training methods combined with the most cutting edge diet and health discoveries.
Claire's qualifications
Claire no longer believes in certification nor seeks knowledge in any specific "way" or modality outside of herself and this is something she really empowers in everyone she works with. You cannot be in your own brilliance and wisdom when you are full of information from other people. There is always an emptying out and unlearning phase on this journey. Claire now works with direct experience of remembrance and channelling of Divine wisdom as the number one "source" of answers to any questions she may have. And in saying all of that, sometimes it's useful to understand her training background and experience in this life so that you can relate on some of the modalities she is practiced in.
- Teacher untraining for advanced yogis with Mark Whitwell
- Fluidus Method teacher training with Carlos Tao
- Reinhard Gammenthaler 1 month immersion in kundalini practices
- 500hr Hatha YTT in Rishikesh Yog Peeth India
(plus additional 10,000+hr study in ashtanga yoga practices and breathwork)
- IFBB Pro Fitness Competitor
- WFF World Fitness Pro Champion
- Crossfit L1 Coach
- Crossfit Gymnastics Coach
- Meditation and Life Coach
- Massage Certification Prague
- Tantra initiation
- Quantum Healing
- Reiki & kinesiology Certification India
- Personal Stretching Certification India
- Shamanic Ritual Massage Certification Prague
- BSC Honours Degree In Graphic Design, Branding, Marketing & photography, video editing, psychology
- Art Teacher / Art Therapist
10,000+ hrs traditional ashtanga yoga
Studied under:
- Sharath Jois of Mysore India
- Kino McGreggor Miami Life Studio
- Tim Fieldman Miami Life Studio
- David Swenson -USA
- Ido Portal
- Tom Weksler
- Carlos Tao
- Mark Whitwell
- MBSR Mindfulness Course
- Shamanic Healing & Constellation work (IFS)
- Extensive Tantra Trainings, tantric touch and Ancient Mystery school
- Voice activation training
- Gymnastics Coach
- Crossfit Coach
- Olympic Lifting Course & Training
- Dance Teacher
- Aerobics Instructor
- Hot cold therapy training
- Yoga teacher training and study in india included in depth Meditation practice study, Pranayama breathwork, Reiki healing, kinesiology, personal stretching, kriya cleansing practices and yoga, ayurveda, anatomy, philosophy, history of yoga.
- Teacher untraining for advanced yogis with Mark Whitwell
- Fluidus Method teacher training with Carlos Tao
- Reinhard Gammenthaler 1 month immersion in kundalini practices
- 500hr Hatha YTT in Rishikesh Yog Peeth India
(plus additional 10,000+hr study in ashtanga yoga practices and breathwork)
- IFBB Pro Fitness Competitor
- WFF World Fitness Pro Champion
- Crossfit L1 Coach
- Crossfit Gymnastics Coach
- Meditation and Life Coach
- Massage Certification Prague
- Tantra initiation
- Quantum Healing
- Reiki & kinesiology Certification India
- Personal Stretching Certification India
- Shamanic Ritual Massage Certification Prague
- BSC Honours Degree In Graphic Design, Branding, Marketing & photography, video editing, psychology
- Art Teacher / Art Therapist
10,000+ hrs traditional ashtanga yoga
Studied under:
- Sharath Jois of Mysore India
- Kino McGreggor Miami Life Studio
- Tim Fieldman Miami Life Studio
- David Swenson -USA
- Ido Portal
- Tom Weksler
- Carlos Tao
- Mark Whitwell
- MBSR Mindfulness Course
- Shamanic Healing & Constellation work (IFS)
- Extensive Tantra Trainings, tantric touch and Ancient Mystery school
- Voice activation training
- Gymnastics Coach
- Crossfit Coach
- Olympic Lifting Course & Training
- Dance Teacher
- Aerobics Instructor
- Hot cold therapy training
- Yoga teacher training and study in india included in depth Meditation practice study, Pranayama breathwork, Reiki healing, kinesiology, personal stretching, kriya cleansing practices and yoga, ayurveda, anatomy, philosophy, history of yoga.
2020-2024: Led and co-facilitated a number of tantric, shamanic and family constellation containers in Israel, Prague and the United Kingdom. Working deeply with the body, with energy, the quantum field and the multi layers of reality. These are very cutting edge spaces to hold with equal intensity as there is magical transformation.
- Guest Speaker - Breathwork & Health supplements at The Get Well Show London 2020
- Delivered a Breathwork and meditation talk at Fresh Resolutions for The University of Life 2020
- Delivered a Talk on “Fuelling your Passion and finding your purpose” for university of Nottingham 2020.
- Lead speaker and movement workshop at Wellwex 2019
- Lead Yoga/TRX combo with Jenni Murphy at Wellfest 2019
- Lead Yoga & fitness stage at Vitality Expo Dublin 2018/2019
- Featured athlete on National Irish TV “The Ray Darcy Show”
- Featured Columnist in Image magazine and VIP Magazine.
- Featured athlete on National Publications such as The Daily Mail UK and The Irish Independent paper and Life magazine.
- Delivered 2hr mindset seminar on main stage at Ballymaloe Good living day 2018
- Delivered 2hr yoga workshop & breathwork talk on main fitness stage at Ballymaloe Good living day 2018
- Featured Athlete & Guest performer at Bodypower UK 2016/17/18
- Featured Guest Athlete and Judge at Irish Muscle Power 2018/2019
- Lead Yoga, fitness & meditation coach at VIP BodyByrne Retreats in Marbella & Cyprus 2017/18/19
- Lead Yoga & meditation coach at OH Fitness Retreats Portugal & Bali 2018/2019
- Designed, created and delivered a series of yoga and meditation videos and programs for Siobhan O’Hagan “Oh Feel good factory 2019/2020.
Created & delivered 20 x sold out “balance” themed yoga/handstand and breathwork workshops 2018/2019
One to one VIP personal assessment/stretching/massage/ yoga/ movement assessments /diet advice and sessions.
Celebrity personal training/coaching to stars such as WWE Superstar Bobby Lashly.
Niall Breslin aka “Bressie” famous signer and Judge on “The Voice”, Anna Geary from TV show “Dancing with the Stars”, Keith Duffy from Boyzone, Ray Darcy from “The Ray Darcy Show” , Glen from the band “The Script” to name a few.
Trained and recorded with World famous Athletes such as Ronnie Coleman, Jason Khalipa and William Bonac, Blessing #theboogieman Awodibu and WWE Superstar Bobby Lashly
Claire has been teaching yoga and meditation classes for the last 15 years in a variety of studios, gyms and sports centres and events. Including tailored yoga classes for a variety of athletes such as Basketball teams, GAA players, Rugby Players, golfers, Crossfit athletes, Dancers, Clay Pigeon Shooters etc.
Fitness model and actress for a number of top level brands, campaigns and high end movie productions.
- Guest Speaker - Breathwork & Health supplements at The Get Well Show London 2020
- Delivered a Breathwork and meditation talk at Fresh Resolutions for The University of Life 2020
- Delivered a Talk on “Fuelling your Passion and finding your purpose” for university of Nottingham 2020.
- Lead speaker and movement workshop at Wellwex 2019
- Lead Yoga/TRX combo with Jenni Murphy at Wellfest 2019
- Lead Yoga & fitness stage at Vitality Expo Dublin 2018/2019
- Featured athlete on National Irish TV “The Ray Darcy Show”
- Featured Columnist in Image magazine and VIP Magazine.
- Featured athlete on National Publications such as The Daily Mail UK and The Irish Independent paper and Life magazine.
- Delivered 2hr mindset seminar on main stage at Ballymaloe Good living day 2018
- Delivered 2hr yoga workshop & breathwork talk on main fitness stage at Ballymaloe Good living day 2018
- Featured Athlete & Guest performer at Bodypower UK 2016/17/18
- Featured Guest Athlete and Judge at Irish Muscle Power 2018/2019
- Lead Yoga, fitness & meditation coach at VIP BodyByrne Retreats in Marbella & Cyprus 2017/18/19
- Lead Yoga & meditation coach at OH Fitness Retreats Portugal & Bali 2018/2019
- Designed, created and delivered a series of yoga and meditation videos and programs for Siobhan O’Hagan “Oh Feel good factory 2019/2020.
Created & delivered 20 x sold out “balance” themed yoga/handstand and breathwork workshops 2018/2019
One to one VIP personal assessment/stretching/massage/ yoga/ movement assessments /diet advice and sessions.
Celebrity personal training/coaching to stars such as WWE Superstar Bobby Lashly.
Niall Breslin aka “Bressie” famous signer and Judge on “The Voice”, Anna Geary from TV show “Dancing with the Stars”, Keith Duffy from Boyzone, Ray Darcy from “The Ray Darcy Show” , Glen from the band “The Script” to name a few.
Trained and recorded with World famous Athletes such as Ronnie Coleman, Jason Khalipa and William Bonac, Blessing #theboogieman Awodibu and WWE Superstar Bobby Lashly
Claire has been teaching yoga and meditation classes for the last 15 years in a variety of studios, gyms and sports centres and events. Including tailored yoga classes for a variety of athletes such as Basketball teams, GAA players, Rugby Players, golfers, Crossfit athletes, Dancers, Clay Pigeon Shooters etc.
Fitness model and actress for a number of top level brands, campaigns and high end movie productions.