3-6-9 CRYSTAL CLEAR GROUP ProgramSmall group coaching with a focus on clearing illusions of the mind and tuning back in to personal power, clarity, truth and love.
Beginning in 2024. This is a small group coaching program that will focus on group topics where Claire will do "hot seat" coaching in a small group online container. The main focus will be freeing the group from mental programming and realigning behind truth, personal power and freedom in all areas in life. There is a different kind of expansion available through the group that is not available through 1-2-1 work as the topics are wider than just your own reality. The group synergy has a life and wisdom of it's own. We are all in this together Claire really cares about this work and about humanity and freedom. She loves sharing all that she has discovered on this path and providing clarity, direction and a way to connect people more to their true potential to live a full and rich life. This program has been created as a solution for the work to reach more people. Claire is currently full on a 1-2-1 level so this is the next best thing to 1-2-1 sessions and it is also a more affordable option. This container is for those that either cannot afford or commit to a 1-2-1 mentorship or longer group journey and for those that like to learn in a group setting and favour shorter stints of personal growth work. It is also an opportunity to get a feel for the quality and value of the work before committing to a longer journey. *Claire is currently full on a 1-2-1 level so this is the next best thing to 1-2-1 sessions. Crystal Clear - Small Group Coaching: Begins in April Investment: 111 Euro per month Commitment: 3 months minimum 2 x Small Group coaching calls per month 90 mins Bonus: access to Show up for yourself portal and live meditations Optional add on: Option to add on access to the monthly group transmission call for a discounted price. Claire keeps her containers small and Sacred to make sure she can really serve the needs of the energy of the group and the individuals, so it is therefore necessary to apply to be considered for any Journey you are interested in joining with Claire. |