THE GIFT OF PRESENCEYou are so welcome here...
You have be sent here by someone that loves you dearly and wants to see you thrive and I look forward to the gift of your presence in our 1-2-1 Session together. Please fill out the contact form below and put your gift voucher number with your name and number and what timezone you are in in the description box so that I know who you are and can contact you to book your session. |
here for the evolution of consciousness...
Birthing a new consciousnessI am here for evolution and to transmit through the unfoldment of this mystery and reveal of the new in the unknown. This journey never ends, it is a continuous spiral of creation, inwards and outwards. There is no where to get and no where to be. I am walking this path myself and I am here right now to birth a new consciousness into the world. I have been in the school of conscious and by proximity, unconscious creation my whole life. I had to experience one to fully understand the other and now to walk the path down the middle with a full conscious connection to the impact of every single step I take. |
Crystal Claire, Energy intuitive, channelled visionary, Soul re-birther and Multidimensional Conscious Creator.
I take people on deep journeys of self inquiry to explore their inner most space and discover who they truly are. I then support them to bring this to the world in a tangible way and to live their most fulfilling life possible. I hold a point for people to unplug themselves from all that is not the true self and to recalibrate back to their original source so that they can feel who they truly are.
I take people on deep journeys of self inquiry to explore their inner most space and discover who they truly are. I then support them to bring this to the world in a tangible way and to live their most fulfilling life possible. I hold a point for people to unplug themselves from all that is not the true self and to recalibrate back to their original source so that they can feel who they truly are.
What you put in is what you get out. What you seek you will find. What you see is what you get.
My life purpose and passion is to birth a new consciousness into this world. I do this by living in the unfoldment of life and allowing the mystery to continually show me the way back home to my sacred heart. I observe the miracle in everyone and everything and share my own experience and evolution of my own consciousness and vibrate who I am into the world. I connect to people through the heart, channelling truth and sharing my true essence and continuous expansion to be free in every sense. My commitment to myself is to show up and share my embodiment fully and continually do the work to be in my free pre conditioned state. Re-calibrating home to source in every moment, I birth consciousness and love through my every movement, word and thought. I dedicate this life to allowing divinity to flow through me and to holding the miracle of this life as sacred in the centre of everything I do.
upcoming journeys 2024
My most intensive and transformational journey...
Become a conscious creator of your life. Build a conscious business or create yourself a new. This journey is for anyone who wants to drastically change their life and connect to their soul's purpose and learn how to consciously create how they live and show up in the world. TESTIMONIALS
Beginning in 2024 this will be a journey like no other in terms of freeing yourself from your unconscious programs and conditioning that keep you in a less than optimal state in life. Claire has been connecting to and downloading a series of recalibration transmissions over the last 2 years and is finally ready to share them in a live creation.
This is a journey to recalibrate back to your original source code and to connect to and remember who you are in your natural pre-conditioned state. |
This is a small group coaching program that will focus on group topics where Claire will do "hot seat" coaching in a small group online container.
The main focus will be freeing the group from mental programming and realigning behind truth, personal power and freedom in all areas in life. There is a different kind of expansion available through the group that is not available through 1-2-1 work as the topics are wider than just your own reality. The group synergy has a life and wisdom of it's own. |
"Divinity takes care of itself"
A journey back home through love, to remember the sacred connection between you and you. A journey back in to sacred union with yourself and with the divine as one eternal love. This union can then be remembered together in a sacred partnership between you, another and the divine. The holy trinity. This then leads to Sacred Union with the all. I am, we are, we all are. This is the remembrance of Sacred codes of love it self. The answer to all questions can be found in the spiralling inwards and outwards on this journey.
Supportive Members Online Portal where you can show up and join in the regular live online practices and meditations. This is a space where Claire shows up regularly to connect with the members, to share what's alive in the field and to allow transmissions of consciousness flow through her. This portal helps you become more self aware, hone and focus your energy and be more intentional in your daily choices and actions and is also a space for you to connect to and share with resonant souls on their path of awakening.