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Option 3: 30 Day Energy Mastery & Multidimensionality 11th Nov-10th Dec
£3690 (£2999 for 369 Clients only)
*Most suited to someone that is looking for the next level in energy mastery. This is a super deep dive of unconventional and intentional time to connect to and hone your energy and channel on multidimensional layers.
I feel this will be a small group as it is a big commitment, so there will be a lot of one to one time and attention with me. I will really use this time to share the deeper learnings and wisdom of energy mastery practices and the ”new” that has been birthing through.
This is a chance to live, eat, sleep, breath a spiritual practice and it will change your life if you open to the benefits of this intentional time in a held space with me and more importantly with yourself.
This option includes:
- Cleansing Practices
- Meditation - different layers of meditation - feeling based - moving meditations - one pointed focus
- Yoga as a spiritual Journey - 8 aspects of yoga
- Daily Yoga and adjustments
- Sound healing
- Yoga as a self inquiry practice
- Satsang
- Meditate on questions/quotes from Te Ching
- Cacao Ceremonies
- Intuitive movement
- Chanting / Oming
- Learn the value of structure and breaking structure
- Listening to the body’s feedback
- Movement with breath
- Breathwork
- Lecture & Practices (oming, breathwork) Spontaneous experiences - awakening and allowing experiences to happen through you
- Hand balance and inversions workshop
- Trauma release through adjustments
- Lessons in adjusting bodies
- How to read bodies and sense what they need
- Working with touch intuitively
- Presence practice
- Breathwork session with Claire & Robert
This option Includes all of Option 1 & 2 plus:
- Adjustment practice, receiving & reading and practicing.
- Tantra - working with upward and downward flows of energy and cosmic energy.
- Sexual energy and honing it through yoga
- Breaking sexual shame
- Group Channeling sessions
- Intuitive movement - learning how to practice intuitively
- Extended Meditation practice - stilling the energy
- Touch - Massage
- Moving energy internally and externally
- Activations - working with guide energies - Tesla (electric wizard), goddesses embodiments etc
- Voice activations - power of mantra
- Sensory deprivation - Sight - Silence - stillness - Fasting
- Shamanic and channeling workshop
- Working with wider dimensions
- Omnipresence meditations
- Reading the field
- Subtle energy honing
- Balancing masculine and feminine energy in the body
- Working with surrender and non-doing to allow experiences to happen spontaneously through the body.
- Workshop and practice on Working with plant medicine - micro dosing for yoga and massage